Well, tomorrow is the last day of May. Wait a minute! What happened to my May blogs? Oh, right, I didn't have any May blogs. Sorry about that. It seems that May was too busy for blogging... First I had to study for exams, then take them. Then I had to pack up, clean up, and leave. That gets us to May 18th. The 19th I flew to California to see a very pretty young lady whom I missed (and now miss again). Upon my return (the 24th), I had to see about reclaiming my title as OR go-fer, I mean "Operating Room Specialty Technician." I have orientation (a.k.a. 8 hours of things I've heard already) on Monday. The main part of this week has been taken-up with removing the family storage from my room. That's right- every college kid's nightmare: I move out- the boxes and sacks of crap move in. It's been a great week... ;(. That's all for now... and for May.
§ Taylor §
This month's thing I am NOT:
A good blogger (sorry guys)
§ Taylor §
This month's thing I am NOT:
A good blogger (sorry guys)